domingo, 23 de outubro de 2016

13 interesting facts about Whatsapp


When you exchange of smartphone, which is the first applicatory one that you install? If it was necessary to kick, I would bet WhatsApp.É rare to see to it somebody that has one smartphone and it does not use the applicatory one to change to messages, photos, videos and, more recently, to make called voice.

I was to search some curiosidades on the applicatory one. Some you must knowledge. Others, I wait, I go to leave you surpreso. We go they:

1. Cada usufructuary Czech, on average, 23 times per day its smartphone to see messages in the WhatsApp.

2. É probable that, to the end of one month, you has sent close to 1 000 messages for its friends and relatives.

3.O Facebook studies some forms to make money with its applicatory of US$ 22 billion. One of the possibilities would be to change it in a virtual wallet. Beyond messages, emoticons, photos and videos, you also will be able to send money to another usufructuary. It would be the end of the “DOCs”? Good… at least it would be the end of the tactics of “Deposit io iô”, that one of “I I made, but voltô”.

4. In another estimate, the company says to earn little more than 1 million usufructuaries per day. Or to say that at some moment of this year the applicatory one must breach the barrier of 1 billion usufructuaries.

 5. Facebook bought the WhatsApp, bred in 2010, the last year. It paid for it US$ 22 billion, something as half it value of market of Petrobra's…

6.Os usufructuary of the WhatsApp changes close to 30 billion messages every day.

7.O lost time for a person born in years 1980 using the WhatsApp per one week is equivalent the all lost time in the life trying to open plastiquinho that it covered the CDS (ok, this estimated I invented).

8.Fora the Facebook, the WhatsApp caused impact negative in the accounts of the telephony operators. According to a study of Teleco brain trust virais, the total time of monthly connection of the Brazilians fell of 140 minutes for 111 minutes in the first trimester of this year. The biggest culprit? He himself, the “Whats”.
facts about whatsapp

9.Em April of this year, the WhatsApp disclosed to have 800 million usufructuaries in the world.

10. or 22 times what Mark Zuckerberg paid for the applicatory Instagram, in 2012.Foi one haggles!

11. Although all the audience, the WhatsApp still of the one exorbitant damage for the Facebook.Em the first six months after acquisition, Zuckerberg lost US$ 232 million with the applicatory one.

12.O WhatsApp was the applicatory one more lowered in Brazil in 2014, according to brain trust App Annie.O second, third and room also placed is of Mark Zuckerberg.Em the order, Facebook Messenger, Facebook (the social net) and Instagram.

13.A China, greater market for almost everything that exists in the world, also not of the much ball for the WhatsApp.Lá, the group likes a Chinese competitor called WeChat.O WeChat tried to enter in Brazil in the last year, with a faraônica campaign of marketing, but it did not obtain to win the WhatsApp.